Kooperationen & Partnerschaften

Ratměřice, Czech Republic

Ratměřice is distinguished by the high quality of living and the activity within the community. Even though there are no...

Ringelai, Bavaria, Germany

Ringelai is situated in the Bavarian Forest, about 30 km from the Czech border, 40 km from Passau and 200...

Rohrlack, Brandenburg, Germany

The village of Rohrlack lies 85 km west of Berlin close to the motorway and has 172 inhabitants The village...

Romrod, Hesse, Germany

Romrod the main town in the municipality of Romrod, has about 1,500 inhabitants and lies close to the motorway Erfurt-Frankfurt/Main....

Rosenbach, Saxony, Germany

Rosenbach is an example for great community engagement and the systematic realization of future-oriented measures. Rosenbach has implemented many initiatives...

Sand in Taufers, South Tyrol, Italy

The market township Sand in Taufers has an area of 164.47 km² and 5,100 inhabitants that are divided amongst the...

Schleching, Bavaria, Germany

Schleching is convincing in each and every section of village renewal. An efficient agriculture which at the same time is...

Schönbach, Lower Austria, Austria

Schönbach, a rural municipality with approx. 930 inhabitants at the centre of Waldviertel, is characterised by a charming landscape and...

Seeham, Salzburg, Austria

The municipality Seeham lies 22 km north of the state capital Salzburg on the west bank of the Obertrumer lake.At...

Setomaa, Estonia

Setomaa is located in the outermost parts of Southeast Estonia, the municipal roads partially cross into Russian territory. Around 3200...