Krobia, Greater Poland, Poland

The municipality of Krobia is located in the Greater Poland Voivodeship and has a total of around 12,700 inhabitants. The nearest larger city is Poznan (Poznań) at a distance of 70 kilometers from Krobia. The municipality has 22 villages and has a size of 12,959 hectares. Since 2015, the public cycle path network has been increasingly expanded in the community. A total of more than seven kilometers of cycle paths have been laid out, both within the villages and to connect different parts of the municipality.

The municipality of Krobia is characterized above all by its high level of social commitment. In 2020, for example, the “Krobia Community Services Center” (KCUS) was set up within the premises of the old gasworks, where several social services are offered under one roof. Here one can find a center for caring for people with disabilities, an area where various activities are offered for older people, and two units for assisted living for people who require support in everyday life due to difficult life situations, their age, a disability or an illness. This exemplary conversion of an old gasworks into a modern social institution shows how important and exemplary the community is in the field of social inclusion.

Another example shows the central role that municipal leaders attach to social cohesion within the population: the preservation of old traditions, customs and culture are of great importance. In this context, the community and event center “Biskupiański Gościniec” in the district of Domachowo is noteworthy, as it greatly strengthens social cohesion within the population. In this house, clubs have the opportunity to hold activities and events to preserve, maintain and present the unique costumes, dances, rituals, customs, traditional music and local dialect. This building has been renovated in an exemplary manner by the municipality and also offers the opportunity to hold meetings, workshops and music rehearsals. In this regard, it is also worth noting that this cultural center is in close proximity to the oldest wooden church of Poland, the Kościół Św. Michała Archanioła. This church, built in the 14th century, is an important landmark of the community. It strengthens identity and also attracts many interested visitors from near and far.

The multi-day “Festival of Traditions and Folklore” in Domachowo, which has been organized by the municipality every year since 2010, is also outstanding. During the festival, visitors get an authentic insight into the customs and traditions of the region, while also enjoying music and dance groups from other parts of the country and abroad. The festival is of great importance for the local population, as it not only strengthens cohesion but also strengthens cultural identification with one’s own living space.

With the social cooperative “ECOSS” launched in 2013, a crystallization point for social integration and inclusion was created. Its main objective is to look after, train and retrain the long-term unemployed in order to give them long-term tools to get back on the job market. The social cooperative also provides public services such as road and grassland maintenance, which also offers income opportunities for those who have few chances of finding work in the regular labor market.

The construction of the library and cultural facility “KROB_KULT” is outstanding in several respects, especially since it focuses on the topic of education on the one hand and, on the other hand, the modern design also demonstrates the courage of the community leaders to establish contemporary architecture. The building, located in the immediate vicinity of the elementary school, not only fulfills the important task of a regional library, but is also a lively cultural center in which exhibitions or small concerts take place. A reading room, a play area for children and young people and a well-equipped computer room were also installed.

Overall, the municipality invests a lot in the education and training of its population. Another successful example in this area is the “House of Little Copernicus”, a learning laboratory where children and youths can discover the world of science in a playful way – this project, co-financed by the European Union, is unique in the entire region.

Another important building block for the successful development of the municipality of Krobia is undoubtedly the good and close cooperation at the regional level. Krobia is also a member of the local action group “Hospitable Greater Poland”. Projects implemented on an intercommunal basis, such as guaranteeing the supply of drinking water, also make a significant contribution to improving the population’s quality of life.

Krobia has recognized that cross-border thinking, social inclusion, the preservation of traditions, good social services and public infrastructure pave the way for the future. The municipality understood early on how to build bridges in and with the region, even beyond national borders. Krobia knows how to involve the local population in the decision-making processes. In particular, facilities such as “KROB_KULT” as a high-quality educational center and the renovated former gasworks, converted into a center for social services, are to be emphasized as characteristics of a community in which the common good is the top priority.

Evaluated: 2022